Cody Webster Professional T

Got here quickly, great quality shirt, have never gotten anything from them that was bad. Now I am repping Web everywhere. 🤣 God bless!
Will let you know when it finally arrives
Always liked watching Cody fight bulls. We saw him in person at Cheyenne this year. We were there the 2nd day that Ky John as Cody calls him rode. We were right behind the chutes it was cool! My brother was an NFR calf roper and now he supplies calves to rodeos. He tells me that Cody was instigating a fight between him and one of the judges at the San Antonio Rodeo. Maybe so, maybe no. I always wanted to apply to be an intern at Radiator Ranch but then I got cancer so that ended that. It would be cool just to get an invite one day. It would be like a Make-A-Wish for an old cowboy. I can ride and rope. Just can't be gettin on bulls anymore. Anyway way the shirt and patch are pretty sweet! The rest of my review is just a dream Just don't understand why Dale's face is on the back of Cody's shirt.
Nice poster for my nephew, he loves Cody Webster!
Perfect fit. The material is high-quality. Awesome shirt. I will most likely over wear it and many family pictures will be taken with me wearing it there will probably be historical events captured with me wearing it. It is an awesome shirt.